Sunday, July 24, 2016


Well it has been really hot here lately. Over 100 with the humidity for more than a whole week. I pretty much have hibernated and not left the house very often. Other than that things have been well. This baby is very active! I joke that she is almost as active as the twins combined! I am feeling good with no issues. I am nervous because next week I go and do the gestational diabetes test. I hope that the twins was just because of there being two and not a trend. I am doing a lot of considering lately on whether or not I should be a surrogate again. There are many pros and cons and it will be a hard decision when it actually comes down to it. I have been told that the doctors don't like to do more than 3 c-sections and with this one it will be two so if I do it one more time then I will be done for sure. I guess we will see!